Ambala: While the Ambala Police was taking action against the speculators in the area of Narayangarh last day police station the CIA- Narayangarh arrested accused Ashu resident near Ravidas Mandir Narayangarh while playing betting in a public place near bus stand Narayangarh and recovered Rs.1060/-. A case was registered in Narayangarh police station.
In another case, while taking action against the betting players in the area of police station Parao last day the police arrested the accused Balwan Singh resident of village Shahpur police station Parao who was playing betting in a public place near Machounda T-Piant Shahpur and recovered Rs. 680/-. A case was registered in Parao police station.
In another case, the CIA-2 Police team took action against the speculators in the area of the last day police station Parao, accused Pushpindra resident near water tank Sundar Nagar police station Parao, Ambala Cantonment, while playing betting in a public place from Dudhla Mandi near Leather factory was arrested and the police recovered Rs.1220/-. A case was registered in Parao police station.
In another case, the police took action against those who were betting in the area of last day Police Sector-9, Ambala City, the accused Itendra Kumar, resident of Naib Colony Village, Kanwala Police station Sector-9, Ambala City was playing betting in a public place neat Mata Rani Chownk was arrested and the police recovered Rs.2000/-. A case was registered at police station Sector-9, Ambala City.