Mandsaur: Superintendent of Police Mr. Sunil Kumar Pandey IPS has given instructions to all the station in-charges to take effective action against crime and criminals in the district. In line with these instructions, the Malhargarh Police under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police Mandsaur Dr. Amit Verma IPS and Sub-Divisional Officer of Police Malhargarh Mr. Trilokchand Panwar has succeeded in arresting an accused with an illegal country-made pistol with 03 live cartridges.
On October 21, Malhargarh police station received informer information that a person was walking with a pistol near the government college in village Pehda Magra. Taking quick action on the information, the police team was sent to the place mentioned by the informer. Where the police team saw a person walking, who started running after seeing the police. The person was caught by the police. On asking the name and address of the arrested person, he told his name to be Aziz father Noor Mohammad Sheikh age 64 years resident Pehda Magra. On searching the person, an illegal country-made pistol magazine was found in which three live cartridges were found. On asking the person about the license of the said pistol and cartridge, he was found not to have any document.
The accused was arrested after confiscating the illegal pistol with three live cartridges. In this case, a case of Arms Act has been registered against the accused at Malhargarh police station and has been taken up for investigation.