Mandsaur: Superintendent of Police Mandsaur Mr. Sunil Kumar Pandey IPS has directed all the station in-charges to take effective action against smugglers and to prevent illegal drug trafficking in the district. In accordance with these instructions, under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police Garoth Mr. Mahendra Tarnekar IPS and Sub-Divisional Officer of Police Sitamau Mr. Sher Singh Bhuria, the team of Sitamau Police Station, arrested two smugglers along with 200 kilograms of illegal narcotic Dodachura being illegally transported. In this way, success has been achieved. Along with this, four-wheeler vehicles have also been seized by the police.
On October 24, the police station in charge of Sitamau Uni Satendra Saini had received information from the informer that some people were coming from Jhangaria side to sell the illegal drug Dodachura in a four-wheeler loading vehicle to Mandsaur. Acting on the information, the police team stopped the loading vehicle by blocking the Sagas Babji Mandir village Lasudia Bhati Javra Sitamau common road. On asking the names of the persons sitting in the vehicle, they told their names Om Prakash, father Gangaram Tailor age 27 years resident of Irabo, resident of Nandiya Prabhavati Tehsil Bhopalgarh district Jaudhpur Rajasthan and Punaram Panwar resident 36 miles Bilada district Jodhpur Rajasthan.
On search of the loading vehicle, a total of 200 kg of illegal narcotic Dodachura was found in 9 bags which was duly seized along with the vehicle under the provisions of the NDPS Act and the accused were arrested. The arrested accused are being interrogated in connection with the illegal drug Dodachura. The offense of the NDPS Act has been registered against the accused at the Sitamau police station and has been taken up for investigation.