Rajanna Sircilla : On May 16, 2022, a man named Suresh from Venkatravupet village in Konaraupet Mandal filed a complaint with the Konaraupet police station after losing consciousness on the road while traveling from Konaraupet to Gudem village. The police immediately took action and used the CEIR (CENTRAL EQUIPMENT IDENTITY REGISTER) technology to locate Suresh’s lost mobile phone, which had been registered with the CEIR app.
The CEIR app is a state-of-the-art technology that helps find and track lost or stolen mobile phones anywhere in India. It maintains a central database of all mobile phones that are sold in the country, along with their unique International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) numbers.
Using the CEIR app, the police were able to locate Suresh’s lost phone, which had an IMEI number of BB pet. The app detected that the phone was in Yadaram village, which is located in the same Mandal where Suresh had filed the complaint. The police then rushed to Yadaram village and were able to seize the phone.
The CEIR app has proven to be an effective tool for tracking lost or stolen phones, and it is highly recommended that anyone who loses their phone should file a complaint with the police station and register their phone on the CEIR app. Similarly, before buying a second-hand phone, it is advisable to check its status by entering its IMEI number in the app.
After seizing Suresh’s lost phone, the police returned it to him, and he expressed his gratitude to the police and the CEIR app. This incident demonstrates the importance of technology in modern law enforcement and how it can be used to protect citizens and solve crimes.
Our Citizen Reporter
Bharat Reddy