The District Courts of Sector 43 in Union Territory, Chandigarh are organizing a National Lok Adalat on 13.5.2023. The main objective of this event is to provide an opportunity for the general public to settle their pending traffic violation challans. The Lok Adalat will operate between 10 AM and 5 PM, during which individuals can visit special courts set up for this purpose.
The Lok Adalat will be conducted under the supervision of the Chief Judicial Magistrate Union Territory, Chandigarh. This ensures that the process is carried out in a fair and impartial manner, and in accordance with the laws and regulations governing traffic violations. Additionally, facilitation counters will be set up by Chandigarh Traffic Police to assist individuals in resolving their challans.
This initiative is expected to benefit members of the public who have been unable to pay their traffic violation fines due to financial constraints or other issues. It provides them with a platform to settle their outstanding challans without incurring any further penalties or legal action. The Lok Adalat mechanism is an alternative dispute resolution process that is designed to settle cases through mediation and compromise, and is therefore an efficient and cost-effective means of resolving pending traffic violation challans.
In conclusion, the National Lok Adalat being organized on 13.5.2023 at District Courts Sector 43 Union Territory, Chandigarh is a commendable initiative that will benefit the general public. It provides individuals with an opportunity to settle their pending traffic violation challans, while ensuring that the process is conducted in a fair and impartial manner.