Wayanad: In a recent incident, Minshad NP, a 24-year-old individual from the serene village of Batheri Poomala, found himself in a troublesome situation. The events unfolded near the Perikallur jetty, located within the jurisdiction of Pulpally station. It was there that the diligent team led by Mr. Pulpally SI, dedicated to maintaining law and order, apprehended Minshad NP.
The motive behind this apprehension was the possession of a substantial quantity of 93 grams of ganja, a psychoactive substance derived from the cannabis plant. The team discovered this illicit substance in Minshad NP’s possession, prompting them to take immediate action.
The arrest not only underscores the efforts of the vigilant law enforcement officers but also highlights the ongoing battle against the illicit drug trade. The incident serves as a reminder of the persistent challenges faced by authorities in combating the distribution and use of substances like ganja, which have potential negative consequences on individuals and society as a whole.