Madurai: In Madurai, a man named Ranjith Kumar (44) from Bibi Kulam, Vaigai Street, Moovender Nagar, and his friend Balraj (55) from Krishnapuram Colony, Vinayakar Street, Chokanathapuram, were together near a wine shop in Pipikulam, Mullainagar. Balraj asked Ranjith Kumar for money to purchase liquor, but Ranjith Kumar refused. Angered by the refusal, Balraj fetched boiling oil from a nearby cafe and poured it on Ranjith Kumar. Following the incident, Ranjith Kumar filed a complaint with the Dallakulam police. Consequently, the police registered a case and apprehended Balraj, the friend who had poured the oil on him.
Our Citizen Reporter – Madurai
Mr. Ravi