Fatehabad: In a commendable effort under the Uday initiative, the Fatehabad police meticulously conducted an educational program in the government schools of village Nahla. The program aimed to raise awareness and impart vital knowledge about the perils of cybercrime and the significance of adhering to traffic rules.
During the program, the police officers went to great lengths to provide detailed information and comprehensive insights into the various aspects of cybercrime. They highlighted the potential risks associated with online activities and emphasized the importance of safeguarding personal information to prevent falling victim to cyber threats.
Additionally, the police officers took the opportunity to educate the students about the crucial traffic rules and regulations that every responsible citizen must abide by. The young minds were enlightened about the significance of road safety, the consequences of reckless driving, and the importance of respecting traffic signals and pedestrian rights.
The engaging and informative program not only enriched the knowledge of the students but also instilled a sense of responsibility and awareness among them. By empowering the future generation with such essential information, the Fatehabad police demonstrated their commitment to creating a safer and more secure society.