NTR: “Spandana,” a platform aimed at swiftly resolving public concerns, has been ambitiously launched by the government of Andhra Pradesh. This initiative takes place every Monday between 10 am and 12:30 pm at the NTR District Police Commissioner’s office.
On August 14, 2023, at the NTR District Police Commissioner’s office, Mr. Kanti Rana Tata, IPS, the Police Commissioner, along with Mrs. Ajitha Pagendla, IPS, DCP Rural, conducted a response program. During this event, they directly engaged with victims regarding a variety of issues, requests, and appeals. Directives were then given to the relevant Station House Officers (SHOs) to promptly address these concerns. This was facilitated through Zoom video conferencing, allowing for direct communication with disabled and elderly individuals, with the aim of swiftly resolving their problems.
Out of the total received complaints, which amounted to 67, 18 were related to cash transactions, 05 concerned issues within husband-wife relationships and family matters, 19 dealt with civil disputes, 09 pertained to various fraudulent activities, 02 were connected to house rental disputes, and 14 encompassed a range of other minor issues and incidents. This proactive approach reflects a commitment to address these matters promptly and comprehensively.
Our Citizen Reporter
Bharat Reddy