Palakkad: Palakkad North Police, led by SI Sunil, along with his team, successfully apprehended the interstate thief, Joy, son of Madhavan Nadar from Charuvila Puthan Veedu, Puthur Wayal PO, Kalpatta, Wayanad. Joy was responsible for breaking into a locked house in Aishwarya Colony, Olavakod, Palakkad, where he stole 12.5 Pawan gold ornaments and a sum of money. He was arrested in Bangalore.
The police conducted a thorough investigation at Olavakot Junction and the railway station, where they identified the accused as an elderly individual. Further inquiries led them to discover another person of the same age, also named Joy, residing in Bangalore, originally from Wayanad. The police team successfully arrested him in Bangalore. The arrest was made possible through the combined efforts of Palakkad District Police Chief Mr. R Anand IPS, SI Mr. Sunil M, SCPO Mr. Naushad PH, Mr. Manish, Riaz, Mr. Pradeep, Mr. Sujesh Manikandas, CPO Mr. Ratheesh, Mr. Raghu Unnikannan, DVRSCPO Mr. Ratheesh, and DVRSCPO Mr. Ratheesh. Joy is suspected to be involved in approximately 20 cases across Tamil Nadu and Kerala.