The Kerala Police has issued a cautionary advisory, shedding light on a burgeoning cyber fraud trend. According to their statement, perpetrators of these scams typically commence their illicit activities by cultivating relationships on social media platforms. To gain trust, they assume false identities, often portraying themselves as professionals in prestigious fields like doctors or engineers employed abroad.
As the rapport with the victim deepens through consistent and seemingly genuine conversations, the fraudster introduces the notion of a surprise gift. This deceptive ploy serves as a precursor to the more elaborate stages of the scam. Subsequently, a purported airport employee enters the scene, contacting the unsuspecting victim with a fabricated narrative. The victim is informed that the promised gift, purportedly laden with gold and cash, is currently held at the airport.
The scam takes a sinister turn as the victim is coerced into believing that in order to claim the extravagant gift, they must pay a substantial sum in taxes and fees. Tragically, numerous individuals have fallen prey to this elaborate ruse, resulting in the extortion of significant sums of money running into lakhs of rupees.
In light of the escalating threat, the Kerala Police urges the public to exercise utmost caution in the virtual realm. To combat these fraudulent activities, they implore individuals who have fallen victim to such online scams to promptly report their losses by dialing 1930. This proactive measure is crucial in curbing the proliferation of cyber fraud and safeguarding potential victims from financial exploitation. Vigilance and immediate reporting are paramount in thwarting these increasingly sophisticated and damaging online schemes.