Anantapur: While moving from Bellary to Bangalore, a car carrying Hari Ram, the owner of Sonaji Industries and Mahaveer Export Company, along with his friend Ravi Arora, was stopped at a check post. SEB and police, following the orders of District SP Mr. KKN Anburajan IPS, conducted checks at Karnataka border check posts under the direction of SEB Additional SP Mr. G. Ramakrishna, Mr. D. Heerehal, Mr. SS Rangadu Yadav, and SEB Mr. SS Veeraswamy. During the inspection, a sum of Rs.17.95 lakh in cash was discovered, and as no receipts or proofs were provided, the money was confiscated. The SEB Additional SP disclosed that this seized amount is slated for submission to the IT department for further proceedings.
Our Citizen Reporter – Telangana
Mr. Bharath Reddy