The cyber station of Uttarakhand STF, Kumaon range police successfully apprehended the prime orchestrator of a sophisticated cyber fraud operation in Jaipur, Rajasthan. This individual had been orchestrating an intricate scheme involving online trading through targeted advertisements on social media platforms. Through these deceptive ads, unsuspecting victims were enticed into investing their money, lured by the promise of substantial profits.
Among the victims of this fraudulent scheme was a resident of Almora who suffered a significant loss amounting to Rs 30 lakh. This individual fell prey to the false promises of lucrative returns on investment, ultimately becoming a victim of the accused’s fraudulent activities.
Notably, the accused’s criminal activities had attracted attention and complaints from multiple states, reflecting the widespread impact of their malicious actions. However, thanks to the diligent efforts of the Uttarakhand Cyber Police, this perpetrator was finally brought to justice, marking a significant victory in the ongoing battle against cybercrime.