Idukki: In the ongoing investigation into a distressing case of fraud, where a woman from Idukki was deceived with the promise of a part-time employment opportunity, resulting in the extortion of a staggering sum of 26 lakh rupees, significant progress has been made. The diligent efforts of the Idukki Cyber Crime Police Station have culminated in the apprehension of two individuals hailing from Malappuram, identified as Rafeeq Malappuram Mongam from Cheruvatur and Rafeeq Malappuram from Pulikuzhiil.
This breakthrough operation was conducted under the strategic guidance of Idukki District Police Chief, Mr. Vishnu Pradeep TK IPAC-Irshad, whose directives served as the cornerstone of the investigation. The meticulous execution of the arrest was orchestrated under the vigilant supervision of District Crime Records Bureau Deputy Superintendent of Police, Mr. KR Biju, ensuring that all legal protocols were meticulously followed.
Leading the charge in this operation was Cyber Crime Police Station Inspector, Mr. Latif MP, whose expertise and determination played a pivotal role in the successful apprehension of the suspects. Assisting him in this endeavor were Sub Inspector Mr. Titus Mathew and a dedicated team of Civil Police Officers including Mr. Sandeep, Mr. Shamir, and Mr. Siva Prasad, whose commitment to justice ensured that no stone was left unturned in bringing the perpetrators to account.
The collaborative efforts of these law enforcement officials underscore the commitment of the Idukki Police Department to uphold the rule of law and protect the interests of the community. Their swift and decisive action in this case sends a clear message that criminal activities such as fraud and extortion will not be tolerated, and those responsible will be held accountable to the full extent of the law.