Cuttack: According to officials from the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), a team of investigators seized a substantial amount of gold, weighing approximately 9,180 grams and valued at approximately Rs.6.44 crore, at the Manguli toll plaza situated in Cuttack district. This significant confiscation followed an alert received on March 28th, indicating the smuggling of gold by two individuals traveling in a car through the Manguli toll gate near Cuttack. Upon thorough inspection of the vehicle, authorities discovered 65 pieces of gold concealed within a cavity, with a total estimated worth of Rs.6,44,46,164/-.
The seized gold, along with the vehicle used for transportation, was promptly confiscated by the DRI officials. Furthermore, the two individuals responsible for the attempted smuggling were promptly apprehended under the legal provisions outlined in the Customs Act of 1962. Subsequently, a comprehensive investigation into the matter has been launched by the DRI to ascertain further details and uncover any potential connections to larger smuggling networks.
Despite these significant developments, the ultimate destination or intended recipients of the smuggled gold remain uncertain, adding another layer of complexity to the ongoing investigation. As authorities continue to delve deeper into the case, they are tirelessly working to uncover any additional information that may shed light on the broader scope and implications of this illicit activity.