Bidhan Nagar: Mahua Basu, daughter of the late Dr. Amal Krishna Basu, filed a formal complaint at the Airport Police Station. She received an SMS claiming she had an overdue electricity bill and panicked, subsequently calling the number provided in the SMS. The person who answered claimed to be from the electricity department and sent her a link for payment. Trusting the situation, Mahua Basu entered her Axis Bank details on the link. Soon after, she received an SMS notifying her that Rs. 75,000/- had been debited from her Axis Bank account.
During the investigation, the officer in charge located the final recipient of the funds, who had utilized multiple transfer methods and credited the amount to their account. Further investigation revealed the account holder of the beneficiary account to be Atanu Nath of Bongaon. Following legal processes, the full amount defrauded was successfully recovered and returned to the complainant.
Our, Reporter in Chief
R. Manoj Kumar Sharma
Siliguri City, West Bengal