Surguja: The Chhattisgarh police apprehended four individuals for allegedly kidnapping and gang-raping a 24-year-old woman from Surguja district, three months subsequent to the incident, authorities stated. The occurrence took place on January 15, but the woman reported the incident to the police only on May 4 due to fear, as the perpetrators had threatened her life if she disclosed the incident to anyone, according to police sources. Superintendent of Police, Surguja, Mr. Vijay Agarwal, disclosed that the woman lodged her complaint with the Gandhi Nagar police station on Saturday, prompting the police to swiftly initiate a search for the suspects, leading to their arrest on Sunday. All four suspects were acquainted with the woman, and authorities have confiscated their mobile phones and the SUV utilized during the crime. Mr. Agarwal elaborated on the woman’s account, stating that on January 15, 2024, while en route from her hostel in Surguja to her sister’s residence, the accused individuals, Shubham and Anshu, summoned her. Upon entering the car, she discovered two additional occupants, Pushpraj and Sanjay. Agarwal continued by explaining that the accused proceeded to physically assault the complainant and issue death threats. They then transported her to Ajirma on the outskirts of Ambikapur city, where they sexually assaulted her in the vehicle. Afterward, they coerced her into accompanying them to Goa, where they subjected her to further sexual abuse. Subsequently, on January 22, they returned the complainant to her sister’s residence. Based on her report, a case was registered at the Gandhi Nagar police station. “We have apprehended the identified suspects, Shubham Ujeria, Anurag Ujeria, Sanjay Chaudhary, and Pushpraj Lakda. Upon interrogation, they confessed to the crime. Subsequently, they were arrested and presented before the court after we gathered evidence against them. Three mobile phones and the SUV utilized in the incident were recovered from the suspects’ possession,” stated Agarwal.