Udupi: An officer from the Byndur Police Station in Udupi District organized an extensive meeting with the members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes community at Ambedkar Sabha Bhavan, located in Heranjalu village, which falls under the jurisdiction of the police station. The purpose of the meeting was to create a platform for open dialogue, where community members were encouraged to voice their concerns, challenges, and grievances. The officer attentively listened to the issues raised by the participants, ensuring that their voices were heard. Additionally, the officer provided detailed information regarding the various legal rights, protections, and entitlements available to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes under the law. The officer also elaborated on the numerous government schemes, programs, and welfare facilities specifically designed to support the upliftment and empowerment of these marginalized communities. This meeting aimed to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the local community by fostering understanding, trust, and greater awareness of the resources available to them.