Kerala: The Police said while giving an alert on a scam that by clicking on an SMS that appears to be from a reputable company, you may unknowingly join a fraudulent WhatsApp group. Scammers in this group claim to book furniture on your behalf, promising employment at India’s largest furniture company starting in 2027. This is a money chain scam where they deceive you into believing you’ll earn a profit share from every subsequent booking. They lure you into creating an account on a fake website, where they explain supposed profit margins. The scam involves not only buying furniture but also recruiting others to do the same, with the promise of shared profits for each person added. By the time you realize it’s a scam, it may be too late. To protect yourself, avoid engaging with job offers or online investments that promise unrealistic profits, and never click on suspicious links. If you encounter such online financial fraud, immediately call the toll-free number 1930 or file a complaint at