Howrah: On September 18, the Howrah (Rural) District Police launched an innovative self-defense training program named ‘Sampoorna,’ specifically designed for school and college girls. This initiative, which emphasizes empowerment and safety, is the vision of District Superintendent of Police Mrs. Swati Bhangalia. The program is set to run for a duration of five days, during which participants will receive comprehensive training in various self-defense techniques.
The first group of students to participate in this initiative comes from Burikhali KM High Institution, where they have already begun their training. Following this initial phase, the ‘Sampoorna’ program is expected to expand, reaching out to all schools across the Howrah (Rural) district. Each school will host the training for five days, ensuring that numerous girls have the opportunity to learn essential self-defense skills that will not only enhance their personal safety but also boost their confidence and independence in navigating various situations. This program represents a significant step toward fostering a culture of self-reliance and security among young women in the community.