Chhattisgarh, Jashpur: In Jashpur, a significant event unfolded on January 14, 2025, marking a proud moment in the career of Shri Shashi Mohan Singh, the Superintendent of Police. Following his promotion to the prestigious rank of Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) by the Honorable Chief Minister, Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, a ceremonial presentation of the SSP star and ribbon was held at his residence in the serene village of Bagiya. The ceremony was a momentous occasion, graced by the presence of several distinguished dignitaries, including the Commissioner of Surguja Range, the esteemed Inspector General of Police (IGP), the Collector of Jashpur, Mrs. Rekha Singh, and Shri Ribhu Samarth, along with other notable individuals. The gathering reflected a harmonious blend of administrative leadership and community pride, as attendees celebrated this remarkable milestone in Shri Shashi Mohan Singh’s service career.