Haryana, Hisar: Following directives from Superintendent of Police, Mr. Shashank Kumar Sawan, the Civil Lines Police Station in Hisar has arrested four individuals for obtaining bail using forged documents. Deputy Superintendent of Police, Mr. Sunil Kumar, disclosed during a press conference that the accused—Rajesh alias Raja from Uklana, Vinod from Bhirani, Hanumangarh (Rajasthan), Jitendra alias Chhalla from Uklana, and Naresh from Madanpura—were involved in securing bail fraudulently for Ravi alias Ravi Kumar, a resident of Mangali Suratia. Ravi is an accused in an attempted murder case registered at Azad Nagar Police Station on January 31, 2023.
The fraudulent bail was granted based on fake Aadhar cards and fabricated land documents. The case came to light following a complaint by the reader of the Additional Sessions Judge, prompting the registration of a charge sheet under relevant sections at Civil Lines Police Station on January 7, 2025. One of the accused, Vinod, has been working as a court clerk in Hisar for the past three years and was responsible for preparing the bail bond.
The accused are undergoing intensive interrogation. They will be presented in court today, where police remand will be sought for further investigation.