Vice Admiral Sameer Saxena, Chief of Staff (COS) at Headquarters Eastern Naval Command (HQENC), inaugurated the ‘Dare Square’ Motorcycle Expedition on January 13, 2025, in Vizag, with Rear Admiral Susheel Menon, Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet (FOCEF), in attendance. During the event, the Chief of Staff urged participants to prioritize road safety and drive responsibly. Organized by INS Ranvijay in collaboration with Bajaj Auto, the expedition will journey through Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh, concluding at the Dogra Regimental Centre in Ayodhya. This initiative, celebrating the ship’s 37th anniversary, highlights its close association with the Indian Army’s Dogra Regiment, symbolizing the spirit of jointmanship. Additionally, the expedition aligns with the Chief of the Naval Staff’s (CNS) message on “Mental Health and Wellness,” promoting emotional well-being and resilience. It aims to raise awareness of India’s maritime heritage through educational programs in schools and colleges, inspiring young minds. While fostering adventure, teamwork, and camaraderie, the rally emphasizes responsible driving and reinforces the importance of road safety awareness.