Andhra Pradesh, Kakinada: The 11th day of the physical examination process for police constable candidates commenced this morning at the Kakinada district police armed reserve ground. Under the vigilant supervision of Kakinada district’s Superintendent of Police, Sri Vikrant Patil, IPS, the police recruitment process officially began. Sri Patil ensured that the process was carried out with the utmost professionalism and adherence to the standards set by the Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB).
In compliance with APSLPRB’s strict rules and regulations, the physical examinations were conducted in a transparent and methodical manner, with the use of advanced technical knowledge and tools to ensure fairness and accuracy throughout the process. Today’s physical exams were specifically for male candidates, who underwent various assessments to evaluate their fitness and capabilities as part of the ongoing police recruitment effort. The entire process was designed to maintain the integrity of the selection procedure and to ensure the recruitment of qualified and capable individuals into the police force.