West Bengal, Hooghly Rural: The tragic incident in Gurap under the Hooghly Rural Police District has been widely reported due to media coverage. It involved the sexual assault and murder of a five-year-old girl, an event deeply distressing not only for the victim’s family but for the entire community. The accused, 42-year-old Ashok Singh, was a neighbor whom the child affectionately called “Jethu.” He was arrested by Gurap police on the night of November 24, 2024, shortly after the crime.
The following day, November 25, a Special Investigation Team (SIT) was formed, led by DSP Priyabrata Bakshi, under the supervision of Kamanshis Sen, Superintendent of Police, Hooghly Rural. Circle Inspector Ramgopal Pal was assigned as the investigating officer. Experts from the Central Forensic Science Laboratory visited the crime scene on November 24, and the autopsy was conducted in Kolkata by a medical board of three autopsy surgeons at the Medical College.
To ensure transparency and support for the victim’s family, Sub-Inspector Shashadhar Biswas, a SIT member and Grievance Officer, was tasked with maintaining regular communication with the family, keeping them informed about the investigation and trial.
Driven by a sense of professional duty and a collective determination for justice, the SIT filed a chargesheet within just 13 days of the incident. The trial commenced on December 11, 2024, in the special POCSO court of Judge Chandraprabha Chakraborty in Hooghly. Public Prosecutor Shri Shankar Gangopadhyay was appointed to represent the case, and the judge ensured a fast-tracked trial.
Over the course of the trial, statements from 27 witnesses were recorded. The proceedings concluded on January 3, and within just 52 days of the incident, Ashok Singh was convicted and sentenced to death by the court on January 15. This marks the fastest trial of its kind in the state, a remarkable achievement. Congratulations to all involved for their dedication and success in delivering justice swiftly.