Tamil Nadu, Thoothukudi: On 18.01.2025, the District Superintendent of Police, Mr. Albert John, I.P.S., conducted patrols in the Veerapandiapattinam and Palaya Kayal areas of Thoothukudi district. During the patrols, he interacted with the public, listened to their grievances, and discussed the police department’s security measures.
Mr. Albert John also patrolled the Veerapandiapattinam beach area under the Tiruchendur police station’s jurisdiction and the Palaya Kayal beach area under the Athur police station’s jurisdiction. He urged the public to report any suspicious individuals or illegal activities without hesitation and engaged in discussions about improving security measures.
The event was attended by the Deputy Superintendent of Police of Tiruchendur Sub-Division, Mr. Mahesh Kumar, along with other police officers and local residents.