Kerala, Thrissur City: Muhammed Shaheenshah (26), also known as Manavalan, a YouTuber from Kecheri Eranelloor, was arrested by the SAGOK team, led by Thrissur City Police Commissioner Elango RAPSC, near Konthankeri Madikeri in Karnataka. He is one of the individuals accused in the case involving the assault of a Mannuthi native and his friend, who were riding a motorcycle. The incident occurred on April 19, 2024, when the two were chased and hit by a car near Ayyanthol Chungam Road, resulting in injuries to both. A complaint was filed at the West Police Station on April 28, 2024, and an investigation was launched, leading to the arrest of six individuals involved in the case. After the incident, Shaheenshah, who was driving the car, fled Kerala, prompting a lookout notice. Following a thorough investigation, he was arrested in Karnataka. The accused was presented in court and remanded. The investigation was carried out by West Inspector P. Lalkumar, Sub Inspector Cecil Christian Raj, Senior Civil Police Officer Sushant, and SAGOK team members, including Assistant Sub Inspector Palaniswami and Senior Civil Police Officer Simpson.