Telangana, Rachakonda: On January 23, 2025, the communication systems of all police stations in the Maheswaram zone, under the jurisdiction of the Rachakonda Commissionerate, were upgraded from analog to digital. This transformation will enable seamless and immediate information sharing with officers and staff across all 10 law and order police stations, covering an area of 1,715 square kilometers, directly from the Commissionerate Office. Notably, Maheshwaram zone is the first in India to implement this advanced digital communication system. Commissioner Sudhir Babu, IPS, stated that the system was established using available technical resources without incurring additional costs. He further mentioned that similar systems will soon be implemented in the remaining zones within the Commissionerate.
The event was attended by DIG IT & Communication Shri J. Srinivasa Rao, DCP Special Branch G. Narasimha Reddy, SP RJ Sudhakar, Additional DCP Admin Sivakumar, DSP G. Babu, DSP G. Srinivasulu, ACP IT Cell Narender Goud, ACP CCRB Ramesh, Inspectors G. Murali Krishna Reddy, A. Bhanu Prasad, N. Gnana Sundari, Sub-Inspectors S. Narender Reddy, Swamiji, and other staff members.
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Mr. Bharath Reddy