Punjab: Bathinda: Under the direct supervision of the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Bathinda, the Superintendent of Police (SP) (D), and the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) (D), the Drug Disposal Cell of Bathinda Police carried out a significant operation to dispose of narcotic substances that had been seized in connection with 60 cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act. In a carefully coordinated and meticulous process, a total of 1.761 kilograms of heroin, 4314.700 kilograms of poppy husk (bhukki chura post), 10,270 intoxicating tablets, and 26.540 kilograms of ganja were destroyed. These seized narcotics, representing a significant quantity of illicit drugs, were incinerated in a high-temperature furnace, ensuring that they were rendered completely unfit for any further use or trafficking. The operation was carried out in compliance with all legal protocols and was overseen by law enforcement officials to ensure the integrity and transparency of the disposal process.