<![CDATA[Four transgenders were arrested on Wednesday for allegedly beating to death a transgender in December, the Delhi Police told on Friday. Mahi alias Mohit had allegedly stolen Rs.65,000 from the accused. According to the police, Mangolpuri residents Kiran alias Kuldeep (24), Anamika alias Anil (23), Dolly alias Ajay (23) and Sandhya alias Sandeep had dumped Mahi’s body near a CNG pump in Rohini in the early hours of December 17. The police were informed about a body lying on the road later that day and a team was sent to the spot. Mahi’s identity could not be ascertained then due to lack of identification documents. The body was sent for post-mortem and local intelligence tapped to help identify the deceased. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Rohini) Mr. Rajneesh Gupta told that it was revealed during investigation that some of Mahi’s associates were looking for her as she had allegedly stolen Rs. 65,000 from her housemates. Mr. Gupta told that after Mahi was identified, transgenders in the area were questioned. They revealed that she lived with Kiran. The housemates were brought in for interrogation and confessed to the murder after sustained questioning. The accused told the police that Mahi stole small amounts from them on a regular basis, but had fled with Rs. 65,000 while they were out to ‘bless’ a newborn in the area. The accused found Mahi in Mangolpuri on December 15, brought her to their residence and thrashed her. When they woke up on December 16, they found Mahi dead. That night, two of them took her body on a two-wheeler and threw it near a CNG pump.]]>