<![CDATA[Four persons have been arrested for allegedly conspiring to extort money from a doctor in north-west Delhi’s Adarsh Nagar, the police told on Saturday. The accused allegedly used snatched phones for making the calls. Deputy Commissioner of Police (north-west) Ms. Aslam Khan told that Nafis, 24, Neeraj, 30, Rajesh Pratap Singh, 37, and Kuldeep, 24, have been arrested. The police told that the doctor was threatened by five men who came on two bikes on December 15 and threatened him with a pistol to give Rs.20 lakh or face dire consequences. “Subsequently, the calls started coming from December 18 and the investigation was immediately taken up,” DCP Ms. Khan told. The police told that the numbers from which calls were being made were put on technical surveillance but it was revealed that the phones had been snatched from various parts of the Capital. “However, the location was traced to Bhalaswa Dairy after which teams in civil dress started to patrol the area,” she told adding that the four were then apprehended. During probe, the accused told that their business of setting up a plastic plant was running in losses and they were in need of money.]]>