<![CDATA[Sixty-eight convicts from prisons across the State wrote the Plus-Two examination at an exclusive centre in the Central Prison, Puzhal, on Thursday. The exclusive centre for the board examinations has been functioning in Puzhal Central Prison since 2008. On Thursday, five separate rooms were allocated in the prison to enable the inmates write the exam. Five invigilators and one chief superintendent were on duty. According to Mr.A. Murugesan, DIG of Prisons in-charge, Chennai range, several initiatives have been taken for the betterment of prisoners, to sharpen their skills and to educate them. The prisoners believe that studies would be useful once they are released from the prison. Over 100 candidates applied for the exams this year and 73 of them were found eligible to write them. On Thursday, 68 candidates, including six women, appeared. Convicts who are graduates and members from NGOs helped them prepare for the exams.]]>