<![CDATA[A 13-year-old Class VII girl was kidnapped and murdered by her father in north east Delhi’s Karawal Nagar because he did not take kindly to her relationship with a boy, the police told on Saturday. The accused has been arrested. The police told that Sudesh Kumar had approached them on Wednesday stating that his daughter was missing. Deputy Commissioner of Police (North East) A. K. Singla told that she had told her parents that she was going to buy momos from the market around 5.30 p.m. but did not return. Teams were formed to locate her but she couldn’t be found, adding a CCTV camera near the girl’s house had captured her going alone. On Friday, Mr. Kumar and his relatives Sonu, Monu, Kuldeep and Naresh were searching for the girl and reached Tronica City in Ghaziabad and found her body a few metres away from the main road near Mandola. Mr. Singla told that they informed the U.P. Police, which informed the Kawala Nagar police. The body was shifted to Ghaziabad mortuary for post mortem. The murder investigation was taken up and CCTV footage of the route from Karawal Nagar to Mandola was examined. The police told that the girl was seen riding a motorcycle with a man. The DCP told that the motorcycle and helmet of the man in the CCTV footage was extremely similar to the father. The police then picked up Sudesh for questioning shortly after he had finished performing the last rites of his daughter. During sustained interrogation, Sudesh confessed to have killed his daughter. Mr. Singla told that Sudesh said that he had caught his daughter with a boy several times. He caught her again on Tuesday. He was angry with her for continuing to meet him. On Wednesday, when she told her father that she was going to buy momos, he followed her and found her with the same boy . In a fit of rage, the father took the girl to Loni and stabbed her with a knife. DCP told that the weapon and the motorcycle along with helmet has been recovered.]]>