<![CDATA[The Task Force police of Rajanna-Sircilla district have arrested four persons and seized banned gutkha products worth Rs. 6.52 lakh from their possession. Disclosing this to newsmen in Sircilla on Thursday, Superintendent of Police Mr.Rahul Hegde B.K. told that on credible information that a consignment of 50 bags of gutkha arrived in town, the police raided a house and arrested the accused namely Lakum Ranjith, Velladandi Bhaskar, Kompalli Murali Krishna, all from Sircilla, and Mohammad Umair from Nizamabad. The SP informed all the shopkeepers and others not to buy or sell the banned gutkha products. The Superintendent of Police also warned that cases would be booked under PD Act against the persons involved in the illegal trade. Inspectors Mr.Bansilal and Mr.Srinivas Rao, SI Mr.Liyakath Ali and others were present.]]>