<![CDATA[Three persons have been arrested for online betting on IPL match in Shahdara, the police told on Monday. A secret information about the betting at Subhash Park in Shahdara was recevied on April 14, they added. Ms.Nupur Prasad, DCP(Shahdara) told that a police team under the supervision of Shahdara SHO Mr.Youdhbir Singh raided the designated place and caught three persons who were involved in online betting on IPL cricket match between Mumbai Indians and Delhi Dare Devils. A case was registered at Shahdara police station and the trio was arrested, she added. During interrogation, it was revealed that the accused Shekhar Gandhi was the master mind of the racket. He told that the place belonged to his relative and was being used to put bets on the IPL match with the help of Betting Assistant Application, the officer told. Eleven mobile phones, one LED television with a set top box, one laptop has been sized, she added.]]>