<![CDATA[Gurugram: The Gurugram police arrested a juvenile on the charges of murdering a 6 year old boy in Sikanderpur on Tuesday, the police said. The accused pushed the victim into a pit after a quarrel between the two and then hit him with a stone which caused the death. A case was registered by the victim’s father stating that his son was missing at The DLF Phase -1 Police station, and they registered an abduction case. On investigating the case, his mutilated body was found in the jungle behind the Marble Market the same day. In connection with the investigation process, the team of fingerprint and forensic experts visited the spot to collect the evidence. The post-mortem was conducted on Wednesday after which the body was handed over to his parents. The police suspected the 12-year-old boy as he was last seen with the victim. On interrogating the suspect juvenile aged 12, he told the police that he had an quarrel with the victim while they were playing with their friends following which he took him inside the jungle on some pretext and pushed him inside a pit. On falling into the pit the child got injured an started bleeding. The child then threatened to report it to his mother and get the 12 year old boy beaten up. He was angered by this and he threw a stone that hit and caused his death, the police said. <strong> </strong> <strong> </strong> <strong> </strong>]]>