New Delhi: The Delhi Police arrested a man aged 28 who had a reward of Rs.1 lakh for his arrest. He was wanted for his alleged supplying of firearms, the police said on Friday. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Yadav said the accused identified as Mohd Israr alias Kalu is a resident of Uttar Pradesh’s Etawah. In May 2018 two arms smugglers, Vineet Kumar and Ram Kumar were arrested and from their possession, 21 pistols along with 42 magazine were recovered. On interrogating both the accused, they confessed that they had procured the cache of illegal firearms from Israr. In due course the police were informed that Israr had been lodged in Rajasthan jail on charges of dacoity and later released on bail. Acting on a confidential piece of information the police sent a team to a place in Madhya Pradesh’s Phoop on Thursday. The accused was spotted at 9am on Thursday. On sensing danger the accused, Israr tried to escape but was arrested after a brief struggle. On interrogating the accused, Israr, he confessed to the police that he has been in the business for the last four years and used to procure firearms and ammunition from Jeet in Madhya Pradesh to further supply to his contacts in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. ]]>