Chennai: The Chennai city Police solved a case of kidnapping of a college student by arresting the accused involved in the illegal act. The arrested involved the kidnapped student’s girlfriend. He was kidnapped from T.P. Chathiram on Thursday. Three persons in T.P. Chatram stopped the victim, as he was on his way back home on his motorcycle on Thursday night. The accused then took him away on a motorcycle to a secluded place near Jafferkhanpet and he was beaten up. They then abandoned him after robbing him of his watch and cellphone. As the news of the attack on the victim Naveeth Ahamed, 21 reached to, the notice of his parents they lodged a complaint was with the T.P. Chatiram police station. The Deputy Commissioner of Police Mr. S. Rajendran took the necessary steps in order to solve the case and involved a special police team to investigate into the incident and on Saturday, two members of the gang were apprehended. As the police were interrogating the accused, they confessed that Mr. Ahamed’s girlfriend Vasavi was behind the attack. A senior police officer said on investigating into the incident by verifying the call records of the accused the police found that Gokul and Abishek were involved in the incident. The gang was introduced to Vasavi by the above two and she was also present at the location from where Naveeth was kidnapped. The police said that the young woman, Vasavi is undertaking a course in the US. She asserts there were some differences between the two and the kidnap was to teach him a lesson. ]]>