NEW DELHI: In a dreadful incident, a woman of aged 32 was blazed allegedly by her in-laws on Friday. Frightful incident occurred in South east Nizamuddin area of Delhi. The blazed victim has been identified as Yasmeen. According to police, the victim had suffered 80 percent burnt on her body and she had been admitted to Safdarjung Hospital. The incident had happened last Friday. During the interrogation, the victim was unable to give a statement of the incident due to severe burn she received. It is said that when the victim’s minor daughter had reached back home after her tuition, she saw her mother under the blazing fire. She immediately fetch buckets of water and douse off the fire. Soon after police were informed. She was rushed to the Safdaerjung hospital for her treatment. The incident left suspicion of her in laws who believed to have poured kerosene oil on her and set the fire. However, there is no clear evidence of the incident to arrest her in-laws. Therefore, police on the complaint made by the family has registered a case against the culprit. And further investigation is underway said a senior police official. The victim has three minor daughters. Her spouse had passed away five years ago. ]]>