Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada City: Under the leadership of Police Commissioner Shri S.V. Rajasekhar Babu, IPS, the NTR District Police inaugurated Suraksha Committees, Eagle Vehicles, and 1,000 CCTV cameras at the A Plus Function Hall.
The event was graced by the Hon’ble Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha, DGP Ch. Dwaraka Tirumala Rao, IPS, and other distinguished guests.
The Home Minister commended the NTR Police for their technology-driven approach to policing, including the use of drones and CCTV surveillance, and credited the Hon’ble Chief Minister for initiatives aimed at enhancing security and combating drug-related issues.
The DGP announced plans to install 1 lakh CCTV cameras across the state by March, underscoring the concept of “Visible Policing – Invisible Police” and highlighting advancements in tackling cybercrime and drug control.
The NTR Police reaffirm their dedication to public safety, trust, and the integration of modern technology to uphold law and order.
Our Citizen Reporter – Telangana
Mr. Bharath Reddy