Vijayawada: During a program held at IGMS in Vijayawada today, Hon’ble Home Minister Vangalapudi Anita launched an app aimed at raising public awareness about cybercrime. The app is designed to educate and assist in filing complaints related to 16 types of cyber frauds. The primary goal of the program is to curb cybercrime and transform all citizens into cyber-aware individuals. As part of this initiative, a cybercrime awareness walkathon and human chains were organized.
On this occasion, the Home Minister remarked: “This is a commendable initiative to educate citizens, ensuring that future generations are not victimized by cybercriminals. ‘Cyber soldiers’ have been formed to educate lakhs of people on preventing cyber frauds.”
She further highlighted that in the past four months; cybercrimes amounting to Rs. 1730 crores have been committed in the country, marking a 24% increase. Many of these frauds are perpetrated through various apps with just a single click.
A Cyber Coordination Team will be established at the state level, and the Cyber Cell in every district will be required to operate actively. Citizens should immediately report cybercrimes by calling 1930. The national-level cybercrime portal (1930), linked with 98 banks, will work to halt financial transactions by fraudsters.
“Be smart when using smartphones—never click on unknown links,” she advised.
Our Citizen Reporter – Telangana
Mr. Bharath Reddy