Palakkad: Cherpulassery police arrested Faisal, also known as Charal Faisal, at his residence in Patissery Charal, Nellaya, for allegedly stealing Rs 5 lakh and a car by deceitfully offering to sell a Mahindra Thar vehicle to a Coimbatore resident. The incident took place on 21-6-2023 in Kulakkad and involved dramatic scenes. The vehicle’s owner, Muhammad Salim from Potachira, Nellaya, had agreed to sell the Mahindra Thar to the Coimbatore resident for 10 lakh rupees. During the transaction, Charal Faisal and his gang, who had prior knowledge of the situation, arrived in another car. This fraudulent scheme was pre-planned by the vehicle’s owner, Muhammad Salim. The police are currently searching for Muhammad Saleem, who was with the Coimbatore resident during the incident.
After fleeing to Ernakulam and Kozhikode, Charal Faisal was apprehended by the Palakkad District Police. With the guidance of Police Chief Mr. R. Anand IPS, Mannarkkad DYSP, and a team comprising SIB Pramod, CPO Maraya Biju, Prashanth, and home guard Vinod arrested the accused. Besides this case, Charal Faisal is accused in three other cases at Cherpulassery station, as well as a case involving an attack on gold smugglers in 2021 in Ramanattukara, resulting in the death of five people. Mancheri police are also investigating him in connection with an attack on a pipe distributor in Mancheri, where he allegedly robbed the distributor of 16 lakh rupees.