Chandigarh: The UT police’s operations cell, on Sunday, apprehended Mohit Gosain, a tubewell operator hailing from Sector 29-A in Chandigarh, on charges of stealing a Honda Activa scooter. The vehicle in question, reported stolen by Sonica Sharma from the parking vicinity of The Jungle Bar located in Kalagram, Railway Colony, was recovered from Gosain’s possession. This arrest unfolded following a thorough investigation prompted by Sharma’s complaint lodged in Zirakpur.
Mohit Gosain, apart from his occupation as a tubewell operator at Makhan Majra, was known to have a checkered past. Records revealed his involvement in two prior criminal cases. One case pertained to molestation, registered at the Industrial Area police station, while the other involved a house theft incident, documented at the Sector 26 police station.
Gosain’s apprehension by the police was facilitated through actionable intelligence, leading to his capture in Sector 29. This development underscored the diligent efforts of law enforcement in curbing criminal activities within the region.