Kodaikanal: In an effort to combat cybercrime and promote awareness among tourists in Kodaikanal, Dindigul District Cybercrime Police Inspector Meena and the dedicated police personnel took proactive measures. They conducted educational sessions, advising visitors on the risks of computer crimes and imparting essential precautions for safeguarding themselves online.
During these interactive sessions, tourists were urged to exercise extreme caution while browsing websites and were provided with the official website address, www.cybercrime.gov.in, as a trusted resource. Inspector Meena and the police personnel emphasized the importance of promptly reporting cybercrimes by dialing the helpline number 1930 or utilizing the designated reporting feature on the website.
In addition to these verbal instructions, the police team distributed informative pamphlets that detailed common cybercrime scenarios, explained preventive measures, and outlined steps to follow in the event of encountering such criminal activities. By disseminating these pamphlets, they aimed to raise awareness among tourists, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and tools to combat cyber threats effectively.
Overall, Inspector Meena and the police personnel took proactive steps to address the intensification of cybercrime by conducting educational sessions, distributing pamphlets, and providing tourists with valuable resources to protect themselves online and report any suspicious activities promptly.
Our Citizen Reporter –Dindigul
Azhagu Raja