Punjab, Bathinda: In a determined effort to curb illicit activities and maintain law and order, the Bathinda Police, specifically the team from Police Station Thermal, conducted a significant operation that led to the arrest of one man and one woman. This proactive action is part of an ongoing campaign to eliminate anti-social elements from society and ensure public safety.
During the operation, the police successfully recovered critical evidence, including four live cartridges of .32 bore ammunition and two mobile phones. These items are now in police custody and will be examined as part of further investigations to determine their potential involvement in criminal activities.
The Bathinda Police have reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to upholding the law and maintaining public order. Through such decisive actions, they aim to send a clear message that any attempt to disrupt peace or engage in illegal activities will be met with strict consequences. The force remains steadfast in its mission to create a safe and secure environment for the residents of Bathinda.