Bengaluru: On April 21, a disturbing incident occurred in Bengaluru where a woman had to jump off a moving bike taxi after the driver allegedly tried to sexually assault her and take her to a different destination. The incident happened around 11 pm when the woman requested a ride on the popular Rapido app. Unfortunately, what should have been a routine ride home became a harrowing ordeal for the victim.
According to reports, the driver of the bike taxi, identified as Deepak Rao, snatched the woman’s phone under the pretext of verifying an OTP but began driving in the opposite direction and refused to return her phone. The woman told the police that Rao tried to grope her while the vehicle was in motion, making her feel increasingly unsafe and threatened.
In a brave and heroic act, the woman jumped off the bike while it was still moving, near the Abrar BMS College in the Yelahanka area of Bengaluru. Fortunately, a security guard who witnessed the incident immediately rushed to her aid, helping her to safety while the rider fled the scene.
Thankfully, the police took swift action in response to the victim’s report of the incident, arresting the accused driver and sending him to jail. The accused, identified as Deepak Rao, is a 27-year-old from Andhra Pradesh, and he now faces charges of attempted sexual assault and kidnapping.
This unfortunate incident highlights the importance of women’s safety and the need for effective measures to prevent sexual harassment and assault. While ride-sharing apps like Rapido offer convenience and ease of travel, it is crucial that drivers undergo thorough background checks and training to ensure passengers’ safety. Women, in particular, should take necessary precautions and be vigilant while using such services to avoid such unfortunate incidents in the future.