Bihar, Bhojpur: On December 29, 2024, the Superintendent of Police, Bhojpur, conducted an unannounced inspection of the city police station to assess its operational efficiency and provide strategic guidance. During the inspection, the Superintendent thoroughly reviewed various critical aspects of police functioning. Officers were instructed to prioritize the swift and impartial resolution of all pending cases, emphasizing the importance of maintaining public trust and upholding justice.
A detailed evaluation of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) updates was conducted, underscoring the need for timely data entry and effective utilization of the platform for enhanced crime monitoring and investigation. The Superintendent also reviewed ongoing efforts to curb the illegal production, storage, and distribution of liquor, directing officers to intensify their vigilance and enforce stringent measures to dismantle such activities.
Attention was given to the upkeep of the police station premises, with a strong emphasis on maintaining cleanliness and hygiene, reflecting the station’s commitment to professionalism and discipline. Security arrangements were meticulously assessed, ensuring that adequate measures are in place to safeguard both the station and the public it serves.
Special instructions were provided to the officers and staff to perform their duties with the highest standards of honesty, discipline, and diligence. The Superintendent highlighted the importance of a proactive approach to law enforcement, encouraging personnel to strengthen the night patrolling system to enhance public safety and deter criminal activities. This comprehensive inspection aimed to reinforce accountability, operational efficiency, and a citizen-centric approach within the police force.