The Delhi police on Sunday recovered the body of a 50-year-old businessman under Nangli Poona flyover in north-west Delhi’s Samaypur Badli. The police said they received a call at 12.40 a.m. on Sunday and were informed that a man was lying injured below the flyover. The man was taken to Raja Harish Chander Hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival. The victim was identified as Ashok, a resident of Ambala. He had a stab injury near the chest. A bag and some electrical equipment were found near his body along with a few receipts and keys. “A case of murder has been registered. He was a businessman, who had come to the area to purchase items from Bhagirath Place and was probably on his way back when he was killed,” said Mr.Rishi Pal, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Rohini district). The police have launched a manhunt to arrest the accused.