BENGALURU/ CHIKKAMAGALURU: A Bengaluru-based IT professional was arrested by the Chikkamagaluru Police on Thursday on charges of uploading a porn video of his former girlfriend on a sex website. It is said that the two had been in a live-in relationship. The girl is an engineering student, Police said. The accused Hemanth, 29 is a native of Tarikere and he was working as a software engineer in a private company in Manyata Tech Park in Bengaluru. The girl who hails from Chikkamagaluru district had filed a case with the Police recently against Hemanth. Police said, Hemanth had met her when she was studying engineering in a private college and soon they entered into a relationship. Hemanth and the girl stayed together and Hemanth had promised that he would marry her, but a few months ago they separated due to some differences, Police added. During their relationship Hemanth had video-graphed their sexual acts. The girl claimed that over the past few months and started blackmail her and forced her to change her college and shift to Chikkamagaluru, Police said. During investigations they found that the video was recorded by Hemanth two years ago, but he uploaded it on a porn site two weeks ago and informed the girl. A police team from Chikkamagaluru arrived in Bengaluru after the girl approached the Police and nabbed Hemanth from his office. Hemanth confessed to the crime during investigation and he was remanded in judicial custody, Police said. The Police had tried to bring about a patch-up between the two as Hemanth had wanted to reconcile with the girl but the girl stoutly refused, Police said. ]]>