Karnataka, Kalaburagi City: The Honorable Commissioner of Police, Shri. Dr. Sharanappa S.D., IPS, visited the Traffic-1 Police Station for an...
Karnataka, Bangalore: A distressing incident has unfolded involving television actress Deepika Das, as her mother Padmalatha filed a police complaint...
Karnataka, Tumkur: Tumkur district police successfully dismantled an illegal firearm manufacturing network, arresting six individuals involved in producing and selling...
Karnataka, Bengaluru City: Bengaluru City Police, in partnership with Durga Foundation and NLSIU, conducted the Safe City Training Programme's Active...
Karnataka, Mysore: The Lokayukta Police have registered a formal FIR against three revenue officials from HD Kote taluk for allegedly...
Karnataka, Bengaluru: The prestigious 25th All India Police Lawn Tennis Championship is scheduled to commence on Tuesday, November 26, at...
Karnataka, Davangere: In a commendable display of swift action, 112 Hoysala patrol personnel successfully thwarted an extortion attempt on National...
Karnataka, Yadgir: Police officers from Gogi Police Station conducted an educational awareness program at two local schools - Government Urdu...
Karnataka, Bengaluru: DIGP of Eastern Zone, Shri Ramesh B IPS, hosted a special ceremony to honor police officers and personnel...
Karnataka, Chamarajanagar: The Chamarajanagar district police conducted their weekly ceremonial parade (Kavayat) at the designated parade ground, where officers received...
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